Vote Doug Stanley

Libertarian Candidate for Baltimore County Council District 7


  • Jobs
    The redevelopment of Sparrows Point steel mill into the expansive Shipyard Industrial Complex demonstrates the versatility of re-purposing and investing in an under-developed area. Though it was estimated that 10,000 new jobs would be created, it is a relatively small number in proportion to the 3,100 acres of land that was purchased. With a Council seat, my goal is to advocate for competitive negotiations with developers that benefit District 7 including job expansion and vocational skills training. I am a strong advocate for increasing opportunities for members of the community to learn new and specialized job skills, which will aide them in obtaining competitive employment with a strong salary and health benefits.

  • Crime
    Crime has become a huge issue in our communities. We have a lot of bleed over crime from Baltimore city and drug and domestic related shootings. These shootings have become very hot topics and need to be absolutely addressed. We have been told by the local police that they are not undermanned yet they have started hiring. When elected i plan to support the police departments and work towards giving them the resources they need by working with the sheriffs department and determining the needs of each department.

  • Education
    The Education system will always be a top priority. The future of our children and young adults rely on a solid educational foundation.  I believe that we need to open up more vocational programs and make sure students have the tools and skills they need to become successful adults. As we know as of lately the BCPS has been shredding documents in a fashion that would suggest a coverup of some type. We want to audit the spending and resources of the BCPS and find out why schools in our district are incredibly overcrowded and why they cannot afford stuff as simple as plain white copy paper.

  • Environmental Action
    In District 7 of Baltimore County ,nature and waterways seem to have largely been overlooked and are in need of care and attention. I am very passionate about the environment.  If elected, I would be involved in the development of a comprehensive plan for nature preservation, clean up of shorelines, restoration of marsh and waterways and improving the overall health of the Bear Creek, Back River, and Middle River.

  • Taxes
    I will work hard to ensure that we hold the line on taxes in Baltimore County. I will also work to make sure that every measure is taken to ensure that our budgets are lean and free of wasteful spending while increasing fiscal responsibility within the County council. We would like to create more efficiencies so that we can work toward future tax cuts once the counties financial problems are addressed. 

  • Ezpass Reform
    Commuting to and from work is an expensive practice, but necessary for many households to maintain a standard of living and to take care of their families. One key initiative I would like to advocate for is making the EZPass more accommodating for commuter households such as a family plan. This initiative would allow for households to have multiple transponders on one commuter plan and not be penalized.

  • County Services
    Accountability and efficiency are important components of managing a budget. It is imperative that local government hold contractors accountable for performing quality work and completion of services in a timely manner.

  • Infrastructure
    We want to access the county’s infrastructure needs. As i travel our neighborhoods and talk to residents i am noticing roads that are in horrible shape , issues with water / storm drains / sewage infrastructure that is falling apart or leaking. Recently the county said they would need to raise taxes and did in order to pay for infrastructure. When elected working with the rest of the county council members i will push to make sure funds make it to our infrastructure and make sure that councilman that are against our district getting improvements it needs get called out and understand our communities will not be left behind any longer.